About Us: The Story of Warmcor

Introducing Warmcor
Your trusty cold water companion
We believe that the post-swim glow that's created by the location, the company you keep, and the fact that you just completed what many call "crazy" is as important as the swim. That’s the cor reason founder Jenny created her first product, The Changing Tube - to help cold water swimmers embrace the lakes, rivers and seas by providing a way to change quickly.

Growing up Jenny always felt a bit like a salmon. Swimming against the tide of the collective, a square peg in a round hole you might say. It wasn’t until she found open water swimming that she finally started to feel connected with herself. The cold water made her feel alive.
Yet it’s not without risks. She and fellow swimmers would often have to abandon the post-swim buzz and after-chat in favour of making a hasty retreat to their heated cars. The reason... they'd started suffering after-drop because they couldn't get changed and warm quickly enough.

Then one day, Jenny witnessed the speediest of changes. "How did you do that?!" Their secret weapon - a boob tube. The search was on. Far from flat-chested, finding one that fitted her needs was hard to come by. So, knowing that she was on to something and that the standard summer boob tube could be transformed into something much more, the Changing Tube came into existence.
It allows the cold water swimmer to change quickly, with modesty and with warmth, without the faff of robes where you can’t see what you are doing or they are just too damn heavy to navigate under.

With a head full of ideas, she teamed up with her sister and Warmcor was born. Now our goal is to liberate you from weighted, cumbersome, boring swim kits, and keep outdoor wear accessible, warm and comfortable.
So you can focus on the important stuff... relaxing and enjoying the outdoor experience.

As we all know, life can throw some pretty wild curve balls at you. Recently diagnosed with a rare genetic condition she's had since birth, Jenny now understands why she’s always been swimming upstream. Unknown health challenges may be ahead, but what she can rely on, what is always there for her, is the water to help her feel renewed and calm.
And that’s what ultimately drives us.
Outdoor swimming has given so many of us friendship, confidence, improved physical and mental health, peace and purpose and we want to share those rejuvenating benefits with everyone.
Come on in, the water’s lovely.